What Job Taught Me

Hello, friends! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to write. Lately I’ve been struggling with letting go. My family has moved twice in two years, and both times it has hurt to leave wonderful friends behind. I wasn’t exactly angry with God, just sort of upset. It’s hard to let go of people you care a lot about, especially when you don’t have much time to say goodbye. In Jeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11,it says “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, ” Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” I know that was this verse says is very, very true, but it’s hard not being able to see the plan. It also does not make the hard parts of life any easier. A couple of Sundays ago, my pastor preached on stewardship. He preached that God gives us all the good things in our lives, but that ALL art didn’t really click until a couple of days later. I was reading in my Bible and found this verse in Job. Job was a guy who had everything. The Bible says that he had 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 oxen, 500 donkeys, 7 sons,and 3 daughters. He obeyed God, so God blessed him. Then one day, Satan went to God and said, ” This guy Job only obeys you because you blessed him. If you let me take all that stuff  away, he’ll turn away from you and curse your name.” God knew, though, that Job was faithful and would obey him even if He took all Job’s blessings away. So He allowed Satan to take all of his blessings away. The house that all Job’s children were in caved in and killed all of them, his enemy’s stole his donkeys and oxen, fire burned the field that his sheep were grazing in and killed them, and some of his other enemy’s stole all his camels. Through it all, Job said, ” The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed is the name of the Lord.” Even though Job lost everything, he was able to praise God, and have faith in His plan. That’s when it all clicked for me. God gave me my friends, and he could take me away from them too. I should still praise Him, and be thankful for the time I had with them. That’s the most wonderful thing about God. I can still miss my friends, but I know that whatever I am going through is part of His plan. So I don’t have to worry about anything that may happen. May God be with you friends,


3 thoughts on “What Job Taught Me

  1. I am sorry that you have moved and lost friends. You and Job how he lost his stuff and you lost friends, but Job stood strong and didn’t sin against God, so can you. You will probably make tons of new friends!….Piggy

  2. I like how you quoted Bible verses and remembered what Job said even if you had to move….ArtyParty

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